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Candy's world

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June 12, 2010

today is sunday.

the first:we left nothing

Mrs Brown was going out for the day.she locked her house and tacked a note for the milkman on the door :"NOBODY HOME , DON'T LEAVE ANTHING."

When she got back that night.she found her door broken opened and house ransacked.on the note she had left ,she found the following message added:"THANKS WE LEFT NOTHING."

the second:my feet are clean

Mrs Brown was a very tidy person.she just finished cleaning her house thoroughly when she heard her son arriving home from school."don't come into kitchen unless your feet are clean."she shouted

her son is already in the kitchen and shouted back

"my feet are clean.it was my shoes that are dirty."

the third:language

a small cat was taking her kittens for a walk when a large aggressive cat approched them.

"woof!woof!"the small cat shouted and the large cat turned away.


More entries: one day three stories(continue) (1), one day three stories(continue), one day three stories(continue), one day three stories(continue), one day, three stories(continue) (2), one day, three stories(continue), one day, three stories, Impulsive mood (1), The first time (1)

View all entries from Candy's world >