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Marni's World

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United States

March 16, 2011

I want to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt sorrow for the people of Japan. I am always struck by this horrible feeling of helplessness whenever a tragedy of this scale occurs. Of course, I can donate money to organizations that provide relief effort. Aside from that, how do we deal with tragedies such as these, which seem to be occurring more and more frequently?

There has been a lot of talk of the possible nuclear crisis in Japan. Aren’t all of these disasters serving as a wake up call that we can’t keep living our lives the way we do? I am naïve, perhaps, but I have to admit that I have been looking at my life closely. Life really is precious and fragile and I want to appreciate every day I am on this planet.  

I know that it sometimes takes a tragedy to make people come together and not be so self-involved, but it shouldn’t. I look at people like Sean Penn who has been living and working in Haiti since that country’s earthquake, and I think there is some good in humanity. He has given up the comforts of his very charmed life and has given of himself completely to help those in need. I am not saying that we should or even could all do that, but isn’t it important to give of yourself in some way? If you cannot do it on such a grand scale as Mr. Penn, you can at least volunteer some time in your local community. I try and live my life this way. It is my sincerest desire that something good will come out of  this horrible tragedy in Japan. Perhaps it will inspire someone reading this to get involved in humanitarian efforts and some good can come of this unspeakable event. Here's hoping!

More entries: Yet Another Athlete in the Headlines (5), Major Life Change (4), Oh a Camping I will Go! (7), Be Careful What You Say When It Comes to That Special Day (12), A Weekend Wasted!! (8), A New Year, A Not So New Me (5), Thoughts on the "Occupy" Movement (7), Heartbreak and Forgiveness (3), Advice on Your Wedding Day (5), The Death of Osama Bin Laden (3)

View all entries from Marni's World >

02:50 PM Mar 30 2011



Hi all;  

I've got much to say about Japan's tragedy, I actually appreciate your words, but I'd prefer to keep mine aside, because beyond words stands actions, we all know that we're now in front of our computers typing on keyboard and it sounds a bit easy, don't hurry in your judging me I'll Have my vacation hopefully on April 6th or 7th, I will welcome anyone who has any means to go there and do something to these people, I've had the experience of an Earthquake here in Algeria; a quite slight one comparing to what happens in Japan and believe me words sometimes don't work! If anyone has any suggestion about getting there and just do it! I'll be yours! 

Cheers guys!

Thanks for this brilliant prose Marny. 


02:16 PM Mar 29 2011


Saudi Arabia

hi dear marni how are uwhere u was long time not appeer.


11:29 PM Mar 17 2011


United States


You are absolutely correct.

Why we need such a crises to pull people together.

I pray, hope we all will grow. and look at the whole picture “we all need each other working together”

My heart aches , and I have my guilt feeling s that I can be there hands on to help.

My donations wont go far alone , and I trying to encourage many members here to do what ever they can even it means giving up some of our comforts.

Entertainment, not buying all the things we can live without is the most creative way we can presently reach out and help.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

We have the ability to grow from this.

One hand washes the other.

The impact on the Earth is yet to be seen.

This will have global effect, and melting ice shelves to the north will eventually create landslides causing catastrophic events to chain react.

Who ever justified that we can do as we please as long as we repent at the end.

Are followed by those who will refuse to listen, because they are part of the heard.

Do we need such large Nuclear plants, and as many.

How much power goes to things that have no relativity to essentials.

What ever happened to first things first.

Our governments need wars to stay employed , the race to get to Mars.

Now we pollute space, everything man touches. Man made deserts, animal extinction.

Shifting the balance of orbit with skyscraping buildings, Dams on fault lines, that ever so slightly change the tilt of Earth’s orbit. So many assume, not knowing the extreme surface changes that will soon follow.

One exception: The hearts that walk gentle upon this earth.

There is no turning back. We have passed the fork taking a left.

The Earth is purifying.

The last straw that broke the camels back.

Dissecting the Goose that laid golden eggs.

“Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind”

"Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal."

"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."

Who wrote the last 3 quotes made all this possible with completely different intentions.

Perhaps we start listening, his birthday was 14th 3 day after the quake “Einstein”

Its so simple when were not spoiled.


03:40 PM Mar 17 2011



I really want something come from Japan's crisis. They really need something GOOD happen! Good words!